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Essential Information For Parents. Please Read

Dear Parent,


Kids Spy Network is a concept that was developed as a way to help kids learn about the world around in a fun and imaginative way.


The first spy was recruited 15 years ago when my sister and I wrote a secret mission for our little brother who was about to embark on a 6-week world trip. We had our parents print the mission and a flight attendant surprised him with it mid flight. He was speechless, thinking he had been recruited as a real spy and spent the rest of his trip collecting information about each location, including maps, coins, brochures, and stamps.


We created the Kids Spy Network so we could share this experience with the children of the world. The magic of the secret mission is really in the delivery. Fill out the agent profile form, you can add a passport photo for extra effect and devise a way to surprise your child with their mission. Some of our favorite approaches are getting a waiter to come to your table in the middle of dinner saying “we just had a phone call and were asked to deliver this mission to you” or hide the mission in a location your child is sure to find it.


Use your imagination and we would love to hear what you come up with! We are a new business that would love to recruit as many children to share in this experience as possible. If your children love being spies please share this with your friends!


The answers to this mission are also found below. Please note that by giving this mission to your child you are allowing them to visit agent headquarters, which can be found at To see all the available content on this page ahead of time, you can use the answers below. 



Cassandra Graham
Chief Spy



The Hunt For the Red Raven: Parents Cheat Sheet.


Your child might decide not to tell you about the mission, as it is “Top Secret” however, they have been instructed to ask their parents for help if it is too difficult. Before they do this, they have to promise you to keep the mission a secret!


Step One:  When they get their mission they need to go online to register to accept their role as a secret agent.  


The website is The first video they see does not require a password and will be a message from agent StealthCat welcoming them to the Kids Spy Network.


Step 2. They now need to start unlocking the clues.


Clue #1. Replace the letters with those in the code.

The answer is ‘They are male’


Clue #2. Is the height of the Red Raven is hidden in the darker dots. If you fold the page along the lines like a zig zag and look at if from the side, you will see the numbers 183 appear.


Clue #3. All the sentences are written in a different way, backwards, in a mirror image, upside down. They all say a different thing. The correct answer is the on that is a reflection if you hold a mirror to the side. The Red Raven has brown eyes.


Clue #4.

Q1. Australia

Q2. Lucky

Q3. Division

Q4. Wellington.

The circled letters spell skydiving, this will unlock the second video at headquarters. This is a video of agent StealthCat almost catching the Red Raven.


Clue #5.

There are some activities on this page, but they are a decoy. The letters in bold and capitals say. ‘They have red hair’


Clue #6.

Half of the word ‘Queenstown’ is on this page. The other half on the back of the next page and if you fold it over they connect. This will unlock the final video for our agents. Showing the Red Raven skydiving into Queenstown.

This is the end of the mission. You have the certificate of completion to hide for your child to find once they have finished everything.

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