When our little brother was ten years old he went on a world trip with our parents. We created and printed a secret spy mission for him to complete on his travels and a flight attendant handed it to him.
He spent his whole trip thinking he was a spy and collecting brochures, stamps, coins and taking photos. For him, this added an extra element of excitement to his trip and made him so much more interested in the things around him.
We want to recreate the same experience for children around the world. At home or on holiday. We have developed secret missions that capture the imagination of children so that they learn about the world while becoming secret agents.
How do the missions work?
Make your order, wait for the PDF to be emailed to you. Print at home, surprise your child with their mission and watch as they become transformed into secret agents.
When do the children see the videos?
As children make their way through the missions they will be directed to access a website which is agent headquarters (you can see it here... www.agentheadquarters.info) where they will submit their answers. Correct answers will unlock videos of our secret agents as they progress through the mission, giving your children a sense of real-time participation.
We take online safety very seriously and are unable to contact children directly. You are able to access all content children will be exposed to ahead of time with the parent cheat sheet. This will also provide the answers so that no agent is stuck on a clue and unable to complete their mission!
How long do the missions take?
Most missions take about an hour to complete, older children will usually finish the mission much faster than younger children.
How young is too young and how old is too old?
This is a tricky question, we suggest the missions are best suited for children between the ages of 6-11, however, if your younger child is a pretty smart cookie and loves reading, they can do it with parental assistance. Older children will depend greatly on their sceptical levels and ability to let their imagination loose. You know your child better than we do, but 6-11 is a rough suggestion.
What happens when the missions are completed?
The mission pack will receive a mission completed certificate for you to hide for your child to find once they have completed the mission.
Can I use the missions for a birthday party?
These missions are a great birthday party activity. If you purchase the Red Raven series and don't get through all three missions, you can send VOL II or III home with the parents to surprise their child at home.